Challenge Coin
When I found out that my mom has cancer. I was scared, angry, hopeful, sad, all at the same time. I would go from being optimistic, to questioning my optimism, to being afraid, to thinking the worst. Back and forth constantly like a pendulum from one extreme to the other. Most of all, I felt powerless.
When I was driving back from Los Angeles, after one of my mom's surgeries, I happened to be listening to a podcast about challenge coins. I felt inspired by the message of how sometimes vets would give out coins to civilians that have done something for them, and just the symbol of camaraderie they stand for.
I had talked to a lot of friends and co-workers about what was going on with my mom, and many had their own stories about loved ones who had cancer. I realized there's a parallel between what the coins are meant to represent, and the fact that everyone has a cancer story. I decided to make my own challenge coin with the intent of giving them out to friends and those who have been touched by cancer.